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Meet Our Partners

At Shop Hello Mary, we’re proud to partner with talented individuals who share our passion for the cannabis industry. These experts bring fresh perspectives, deep knowledge, and a love for our brand. Explore their profiles and see how they’re shaping the future of the industry!

Chief Ambassador

Space City Cannabis

What up guys I’m Space City, in the spirit of inclusion I will put an intro of myself for all of our new friends. I am a father of two, 34 years old and happily married. I am thanks, to hard work and perseverance, financially free. With my freedom I was able to explore my hobbies and interests. I have had a relationship with cannabis since I was 13. I have always wanted to have it in my life. I never wanted to hide or feel ashamed but because of our society and the need to provide for my family I hid it away. Now that I am free I created a channel,LLC, and clothing brand  under the name Space City Cannabis. My two favorite things, the city that made me and the plant that allowed me to expand my mind and step out of this box we put ourselves in. I am not a professional content creator and I don’t portray myself as one. I am no marijuana expert but I have enough knowledge that I want to pass on. These videos are not meant for the general public but I took a risk in sharing my intimate moments with you all. These videos are records for my boys should anything ever happen to me. To hear my voice, my thought process, and most importantly to show them anything is possible as long as you are passionate. I am you, I will always be you, my thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone. Thank you for watching my content, interacting with me, and becoming a part of this community I hope to build. This is for all those that are here and those that will come. If you remember anything from me let it be this quote “ We will always be stronger together than we are apart.”. In closing, I say thank you to all, whether you agree with me, like my content, hate me from the shadows, secretly talk shit. For the haters I say this, “ Get in line and bring a snack, It’s going to be a hell of a wait”. Thank you, PEAAAAAAAACE!


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